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LESHP works on Warner Brothers’ new Great Gatsby

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Last year, Lower East Side History Project’s Eric Ferrara and Seth Abrams had the pleasure of consulting the new Warner Brothers’ film, The Great Gatsby. Eric and Seth got to meet and work directly with director Baz Luhrmann, writer Craig Pearce and actors Leonardo DiCaprio, Toby Maguire, Joel Edgerton and Carrie Mulligan.

Last night was the premiere of The Great Gatsby at Lincoln Center and we are proud to say that Eric & Seth’s work can be seen throughout the film.

We won’t spoil the movie and give away any details but LESHP was brought in to help give a realistic sense of gangsterism in 1920s NYC and inspire ideas about how characters like Jay Gatsby and Meyer Wolfshiem made money beyond bootlegging.

Though we played a small part in this truly extravagant production, this is the biggest project that LESHP has worked on thus far and very honored to be part of it. Thank you Baz Luhrmann and Warner Brothers for the opportunity.